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Debilitating Knee Pain? Dos And Donts For Speedy Recovery

Debilitating Knee Pain? Dos And Donts For Speedy Recovery

Affecting 25% of adults living in the U.S., not only does knee pain limit mobility and the ability to work, but it also impairs the sufferer’s quality of life to a great extent. 

However, regardless of whether it’s because of a recent injury or arthritis, there are quite a few things that one can do to alleviate the pain. Keep the following dos and don’ts in mind to enhance your knee health and to keep pain at bay: 


  • Moving your knee muscles and joints is important to facilitate recovery. That is why you should exercise for 20-30 minutes every day. Opt for low-impact exercises, mostly those that take place in water. You can also go for a walk around your neighborhood or try yoga to prevent your legs from getting stiff. 

  • RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) has an important role to play in bringing relief from all the pain. Not only this, but it also helps bring down the inflammation, whether it’s a minor workplace injury or an arthritis flare-up. So, don’t forget to sleep for at least 8 hours and buy knee ice packs to relax your tissues in the affected area. In addition to this, wrap your knee up snugly and keep it elevated when you’re lying down. This is a tried and tested method that actually works. 

  • Keep your work and home environment free of clutter as you can’t risk falls and slips with an injured, weak knee! Not only will such an accident lead to excruciating pain, but you might also have to make a visit to the ER because of it. 


  • It’s important that you don’t overexert yourself. This can strain your already weakened muscles. Talk to your healthcare provider before you partake in any physically strenuous activity. Also, work with your physical therapist to build a routine that will enhance your balance and flexibility.

  • Don’t give walking aids a miss if you have been advised to use them for support. This will help take some load off the injured knee, thus ensuring that it heals faster. 

  • Don’t take your extra pounds lightly if you suffer from recurrent knee pain. Numerous studies have proven that obesity can lead to knee pain later on in life as it expedites wear and tear of the joints and the muscles. Shedding a few pounds might be beneficial in reducing stress on your lower limbs and back.   

By keeping these dos and don’ts in mind, you will be able to manage your knee pain and ensure that it doesn’t hamper your mental and physical well-being. If you’re looking for the best pain recovery ice packs for your knees, browse through our extensive range today! 

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