Shoulder Injuries Things You Should Know

Shoulder Injuries Things You Should Know

Shoulder injuries are common among those who are active in sports or diligently follow a workout routine. You must know how to recognize the injury quickly to respond appropriately, like using shoulder ice wraps. That is one of the crucial factors determining the recovery period.

When you experience pain

If you exercise regularly, you likely know the difference between pain that accompanies an injury and overwork pain. As soon as you experience a sharp pain that tells you you have hurt yourself, immediately stop exercising. Pushing through the pain to test your limits is okay, but pushing past an injury is not.

Do not train for the next few days. Let the joint rest for proper healing. Do apply an ice wrap on the injured shoulder. Keep doing this for a couple of weeks. Shoulder ice wraps will come in handy. If you experience pain while moving the shoulder, consult a physician. A doctor must always deal with severe, sharp pain.

Shoulder Injuries

Sometimes the symptoms of an injury may not show up immediately. You realize you have been injured hours later or even the following day. There are chances of getting confused about whether the pain is just exercise-related soreness or an injury. Look for these characteristics when experiencing shoulder pain to determine if you have injured it:

  1. A shaky feeling while lifting weight or weakness in the shoulder.
  2. Stiffness in the shoulder, making regular movements difficult.
  3. Pain hinders you from performing normal activities that are part of your daily routine.

If any of the above symptoms exist, discontinue the discomfort-causing movements. Resting the shoulder may not allow a full recovery. A trip to the physician is recommended. Remember that repetition or overuse injuries are common causes of shoulder pain. Continuing with the pain-causing activity will worsen it over time.

Exercises for better recovery

Some exercises allow a speedy recovery while building strength without increasing irritation.

  1. Dumbbell Curls- Use a lightweight to stabilize the shoulder muscles. Let the heaviest weight sit. Starting light is a must. Gradually work your way up.
  2. Wall Push-Ups- This is great for building strength and stabilizing your shoulder. Try to move deep into the push-up without putting strain on your shoulders. Slowly work deeper into the movement. When you have more strength, move the push-ups to tabletops, countertops, and other lower surfaces.
  3. Resistance Band- Attach the band to a doorway and gently pull it towards yourself.
  4. Stretching- A thorough stretching will help you maintain movement in your joints, making it easier to get back to your day-to-day activities.

Returning to regular practice

When you finally return to regular practice or game schedule, you need to keep certain things in mind. Please do not lift the heaviest weights or do maximum reps on the first day. Increase your intensity gradually. Stretch carefully before as well as after each practice. Both dynamic and static stretches are crucial to ensure proper mobility. Keep using shoulder ice wraps as needed.

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