Cool Relief Blog

Athletic Trainers Work Hard to Keep Athletes on the Field

Athletic Trainers Work Hard to Keep Athletes on...

Whether its a recovery from a shoulder injury, knee injury, or a wrist injury, we have researched, and stay updated as we continuously research different athletic injuries from sports in...

Athletic Trainers Work Hard to Keep Athletes on...

Whether its a recovery from a shoulder injury, knee injury, or a wrist injury, we have researched, and stay updated as we continuously research different athletic injuries from sports in...

Best Ice Wraps for Injuries

Best Ice Wraps for Injuries

With so many choices out there, it can be difficult to find the best ice wraps for injuries you may have. Many factors can play a role in which type...

Best Ice Wraps for Injuries

With so many choices out there, it can be difficult to find the best ice wraps for injuries you may have. Many factors can play a role in which type...

Signs You May Have a Hip Problem

Signs You May Have a Hip Problem

When we start experiencing pain in any part of our body, our daily activities get negatively affected. The constant pain will not allow you to focus on any task. Generally,...

Signs You May Have a Hip Problem

When we start experiencing pain in any part of our body, our daily activities get negatively affected. The constant pain will not allow you to focus on any task. Generally,...

Dealing With Downtime from Injury: Tips from a Lifelong Athlete

Dealing With Downtime from Injury: Tips from a ...

When Kristy Helscel, hurt her hip last December, she learned a valuable lesson that many active types have to face at one point or the other: Sometimes, the most difficult...

Dealing With Downtime from Injury: Tips from a ...

When Kristy Helscel, hurt her hip last December, she learned a valuable lesson that many active types have to face at one point or the other: Sometimes, the most difficult...

Finding New Outdoor Pursuits When Injury Strikes

Finding New Outdoor Pursuits When Injury Strikes

Orthopedist David Little knows the difficulty in overcoming injuries—and how outdoor pursuits can keep you active on the road to recovery.

Finding New Outdoor Pursuits When Injury Strikes

Orthopedist David Little knows the difficulty in overcoming injuries—and how outdoor pursuits can keep you active on the road to recovery.