Four Common Shoulder Injuries In Young Athletes

Four Common Shoulder Injuries In Young Athletes

Shoulder injuries are common in young athletes. They vary in cause and severity depending on what type of sports they are playing and each individual’s training schedule. In most overhead sports, like tennis and volleyball, and high contact sports, like soccer and football, the risk of traumatic shoulder injuries is relatively high.

Find below the most common sports-related shoulder injuries in young athletes each year.

Subluxations or Shoulder Dislocations

Subluxations and shoulder dislocation are most common in high school athletes. It is usually caused by significant force directly on the shoulder. A physician puts the shoulder back into its place and immobilizes it for a short period. Athletes must restore range of motion and regain strength before returning to activity.

Collarbone Fractures

Also known as clavicle fracture, collarbone fracture happens due to a direct impact on the shoulder or falling on an outstretched arm. Although bone doesn’t break through, swelling, pain, or deformity may occur. The patient is advised to wear a brace or sling for six to eight weeks.

Labrum Tears

Falling on an outstretched arm or excessive force on the shoulder joint may result in a labrum tear. An individual hears clicking or popping with pain in the shoulder. Instability with shoulder movements may occur at times. Athletes typically return to physical activities within four to six months.

Acromioclavicular Joint Sprains

Falling directly into the shoulder or a direct blow on the top should result in A/C joint sprains. An athlete experiences significant pain, especially when the shoulder movies. A sling is generally recommended to immobilize the shoulder until the swelling and pain disappear.


We have Great Shoulder Wraps

Shoulder injuries are not uncommon in young athletes; however, staying prepared for an emergency is the best way to deal with both pain and swelling. As cold therapy relieves pain and inflammation, it is best to keep shoulder ice wraps handy; you can quickly wrap them around the shoulder for instant pain relief. You can buy the best shoulder ice wraps here.

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